Fang Lv (吕方)

Senior Engineer
Institute of Computing Technology (ICT)
State Key Lab of Processors (SKLP)

About Me

I'm a senior engineer at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I received my Ph.D. degree in computer architecture from the State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, in 2014. My main research interests include architecture-oriented performance analysis and optimization, compiler optimizations, etc. I am a member of CCF.


  1. Agile Mid-End Optimization Techniques for Strategic Pilot Science and Technology Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Category A)
    2022.11 - Present
  2. Agile Compiler Techniques for Strategic Pilot Science and Technology Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Category C)
    2020.01 - 2021.12
  3. The Compilation System for Heterogeneous Memory in the 863 Project “Parallel Model and Programming Framework for Heterogeneous Memory-Oriented Computing Systems”.
    2015.01 - 2017.01
  4. Huawei A Class Project of High Throughput Server Project - Compiler for ARM32, ARM64 Chips.
    2013.01 - 2014.01
  5. High Performance Compiler for Loongson Processors for Core Electronic Devices, High-end Generic Chips and Basic Software.
    2011.01 - 2014.01
  6. High Performance Compiler for Loongson 3A Processor.
    2008.01 - 2011.01
  7. SIMD Optimized Compiler for Sunway Processors.
    2006.12 - 2007.12
  8. High Performance Compiler for Loongson 2E Chip Processors.
    2003.07 - 2006.07
  9. ORC Open Source Compiler for Intel Itanium Chip Processors.
    2001.09 - 2003.07


Honors and Awards

2007 and 2008 Outstanding Employees of the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.